Tanggung Jawab Sosial

The Company ensures themselves to consider the social,
economic and environmental impacts that occur from its
daily operational activities. Carrying out social responsibility
activities makes the Company able to fulfll its commitment
support positive social change both within the Company
and the local communities.
In 2018, the Company focuses on HR based on social responsibility, carrying out activities that improve employee welfare, employment programs, Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) and humanitarian activities through charities who are partners of the Company.
The Company recognizes the company and employees are partners who give and need contributions and harmonization. Both will determine the success and development of the Company's business. This encourages the Company to organize various programs that improve the welfare and competence of employees.
Work safety is an effort to do work without accidents, to provide an atmosphere of a safe work environment and the achievement of favorable results and free from the danger of occupational accidents or diseases due to Work. While occupational health is a physical, mental and social condition of the employees so that it is protected from all diseases or health problems and is able to interact with the work environment.
As a form of the Company's attention to the employees, then The Company conducts annual fre safety training involving all employees. For this year's training, which was held on 8 November 2018, Company involved experienced instructors to conduct exercises and emergency situation simulations that might occur due to fre and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) training held on 21-23 November 2018.
The Company also involves all employees and their spouses and children to the insurance program in cooperation with the Lippo Insurance as well as the Indonesian government health programs through the Indonesian National Health Insurance System (BPJS). Provisions, procedures and the amount of allowances and/ or health care facilities are stipulated separately in
In 2018, the Company focuses on HR based on social responsibility, carrying out activities that improve employee welfare, employment programs, Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) and humanitarian activities through charities who are partners of the Company.
The Company recognizes the company and employees are partners who give and need contributions and harmonization. Both will determine the success and development of the Company's business. This encourages the Company to organize various programs that improve the welfare and competence of employees.
Work safety is an effort to do work without accidents, to provide an atmosphere of a safe work environment and the achievement of favorable results and free from the danger of occupational accidents or diseases due to Work. While occupational health is a physical, mental and social condition of the employees so that it is protected from all diseases or health problems and is able to interact with the work environment.
As a form of the Company's attention to the employees, then The Company conducts annual fre safety training involving all employees. For this year's training, which was held on 8 November 2018, Company involved experienced instructors to conduct exercises and emergency situation simulations that might occur due to fre and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) training held on 21-23 November 2018.
The Company also involves all employees and their spouses and children to the insurance program in cooperation with the Lippo Insurance as well as the Indonesian government health programs through the Indonesian National Health Insurance System (BPJS). Provisions, procedures and the amount of allowances and/ or health care facilities are stipulated separately in